Fort Dade
Established in 1899 on Egmont Key in St. Petersburg Florida. Fort Dade was an Endicott coastal fortification for the defense of Tampa Bay. Over 75 buildings were located on the island and five gun batteries were built. Battery McIntosh, Battery Howard, Battery Burchsted, Battery Page and Battery Mellon. A large fire control tower was located on the island built in 1908 along with two mine casements and mine wharf. The fort was severely damaged in a 1921 hurricane and damages were to expensive so the fort was closed in 1923. Battery McIntosh remained in caretaker status at this time. In 1925 the Federal Bureau of Investigation was looking into illegal immigrants finding shelter in the forts abandon buildings. Because of this the FBI lit a fire ablaze on the island which destroyed all post buildings aside from a few made of cement and brick. The fire burned for days until it went out. The coast guard used the fort in the 1930s and the fort was used for observation during WW2. A lighthouse built in 1858 still stand on the island. The island became a refuge in 1974. Over the years erosion has eaten away at the island putting Battery Burchsted and Page in the surf along with the remains of the 1919 powerplant. The guardhouse is the only remaining and restored post building.
Admin Building Location
NCO Row. Best street at the fort.
Egmont Key Lighthouse 1858
FCS Remains
FCS Egmont Key Alliance
Coal Shed Location
Power Plant
Commanders Quarters location
Old road
Bakery Foundation
Building Remains
Concrete Warehouse
Mine Tramway
Mine Casement
Fire Station
Mining Wharf
Battery Mclntosh
Construction began on this 8 inch disappearing gun battery in 1898 and was accepted for service in 1900. It is a two story battery with two disappearing rifles. The battery was used until 1923 when the fort was deactivated. Today the battery has no guns or shell hoists and is open to the public on the island.
- Battery McIntosh
Battery McIntosh Plan
Battery McIntosh Approach
Battery McIntosh
Emplacement Two Entrance
Shell Hoist Well
Shell Room Entrance
Shell Room
Powder Room
Shell Hoist Well
Interior Stairs to Emplacement
Shot Gallery
Relocating Room
Storeroom Hallway
Storeroom Interior
Shell unloading Platform
Shell Hoist
Crows Nest
Crows Nest Interior
Crows Nest View
Gun Position
Exterior Stairs and Storeroom Entrance
Emplacement Two
Emplacement One Entrance
Shell Room
Shell Hoist Gallery
Shell Hoist Well
Storage Battery
Shot gallery
Interior Stairs
Looking Down
Shell Unloading Area
Crows Nest
Exterior Stairs
Battery Howard
Construction began on this 6 inch disappearing gun battery in 1903 and was accepted for service in 1906. It is a single story battery with guns on either side of the magazines. The was deactivated in 1917 and today is getting dangerously close the the surf. The gun emplacements are almost entirely broken up and are closed off while the magazine structure seems intact. The battery has no guns and is mostly open to the public.
- Battery Howard
Battery Howard Plan
Battery Howard Approach
Battery Howard
Emplacement Two Remains
Lavatories in Emplacement Two
Emplacement Two Magazine Entrance
Power Room Doorway
Emplacement Two Magazine Entrance
Emplacement Two
Accumulator Room
Battery Burchsted
Construction began in 1898 on this 6 inch pedestal battery and had two guns (A 3 inch masking parapet gun was also located on the battery). The battery is located on the southern side of the island and was deactivated in 1920. The battery today is in the surf and is a popular scuba diving area. The 6 inch guns are on display at Fort De Soto nearby.
- Battery Burchsted
Battery Burchsted Remains
Battery Burchsted Emplacement
Battery Mellon
Built in 1904 and accepted for service the same year, this battery was a two story battery with three masking parapet guns. The battery had a powerplant, a CRF station, a BC Station and a "MM" Station. The battery was deactivated in 1920 and the only structure that remains aside from the battery is the concrete powerplant. The "MM" station instrument mounts remain. Some sort of tower was built on the battery probably during WW2. Its remains can be seen on the second emplacement. The battery is open to the public on the island and is really close to the beach due to erosion.
- Battery Mellon
Battery Mellon Plan
Battery Mellon Approach
Battery Mellon Powerplant
Generator Room
Pristine Doorframe
Electrical Room
Bombproof and Magazine Three
Bombproof Shock Hall
Bombproof Interior
Magazine Three Hallway
Magazine three
Magazine Three Vent
Emplacement Three Mount
Emplacement Three Observation
Emplacement Two Magazine
Magazine Interior
Emplacement Two Mount
Magazine One
Emplacement One
Emplacement One Observation
Battery Mellon
Relocating Room
Relocating Room Interior
"MM" Station Pillars
Battery Page
Built in 1903 and deactivated in 1920 this 3 inch battery of two barbette guns was located on the south side of the island with Battery Burchsted. The battery is broken up on the beach and off limits to the public as it is on the refuge part of the island.
- Battery Page
Battery Page Remains
Egmont Key Alliance
North American Forts Network