
From New England Defenses
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List of terms that may be used in my writing on this site. This list does not include all abbreviations on Army documents. Those can be found here.

AA - Anti Aircraft

AAIS - Anti Aircraft Intelligence Service

AI - Azimuth Instrument

AMTB - Anti Motor Torpedo Boat

BC - Battery Commander or Barbette Carriage

BES - Base-end station

CA - Coast Artillery

CAC - Coast Artillery Corps

CDSG - Coast Defense Study Group

COE - Corps of Engineers

CP - Command Post

CRF - Coincidence Range Finder

DC - Disappearing Carriage

DPF - Depression Position Finder

FC - Fire Control

FCS - Fire Control Station

FCT - Fire Control Tower

Gen. - Generator

HECP - Harbor Entrance Control Post

HD - Harbor Defense

HDCP - Harbor Defense Command Post

Loc. - Location

LRBC - Long Range Barbette Carriage

MC - Mine Casemate

MET - Metrological Station

MR - Military Reservation

OP - Observation Post

OPS - Operations

P - Pedestal

Ped - Pedestal

QM - Quartermaster

RCW - Report of Completed Works

RF - Rapid Fire

SBC - Shielded Barbette Carriage

SCR - Signal Corps Radio

SL - Searchlight

SWB - Switchboard

USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers

Additional terms may be added at a later date. If you have any questions Contact Us.