This list does not include abbreviations on Army documents. Those can be found here.
AA - Anti Aircraft
AAIS - Anti Aircraft Intelligence Service
AMTB - Anti Motor Torpedo Boat
BC - Battery Commander
BES - Base-end station
CA - Coast Artillery
CAC - Coast Artillery Corps
CDSG - Coast Defense Study Group
COE - Corps of Engineers
CP - Command Post
CRF - Coincidence Range Finder
AI - Azimuth Instrument
DPF - Depression Position Finder
FC - Fire Control
FCS - Fire Control Station
FCT - Fire Control Tower
HECP - Harbor Entrance Control Post
HD - Harbor Defense
HDCP - Harbor Defense Command Post
Loc. - Location
MR - Military Reservation
OP - Observation Post
OPS - Operations
RCW - Report of Completed Works
SCR - Signal Corps Radio
SL - Searchlight
SWB - Switchboard
USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers
Additional terms may be added at a later date. If you have any questions Contact Us.